§ 150-20. General sign provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permit required. Except for signs permitted in R-1 and R-2 Residence Districts as provided in § 150-21A, no person shall erect, alter, relocate, maintain or reconstruct, or cause to be erected, altered, relocated, maintained or reconstructed, any sign of any type or description unless it shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and until such person shall have applied for and secured a sign permit from the Building Inspector.
    Subject of sign. Except as provided in § 150-11E, any sign advertising or announcing any business or other activity not pertinent to the lot on which such sign is located is prohibited.
    [Amended 2-5-2004 by Ord. No. 3-04]
    Motion. No sign shall be caused or permitted to rotate, flutter or otherwise move.
    Illumination. No sign shall be illuminated by lighting of intermittent or varying intensity nor by channel or open neon. No floodlights or spotlights shall be permitted to shine outside the property nor upon any roadways or driveways.
    [Added 8-10-1994 by Ord. No. 14-94]
    Editor's Note: Former Subsection D, Illumination, was repealed 3-9-1994 by Ord. No. 2-94.
    Cloth or fabric signs. No cloth, paper, oilcloth, fabric or sheeting signs, banners or pennants of any kind shall be permitted outdoors. This subsection shall not be construed to eliminate the display of national or state flags.
    Roof signs. No sign shall be mounted on any building roof, nor shall any wall sign be permitted to extend above the roof level.
    Mobile signs. No vehicle or mobile sign shall be used to circumvent these regulations.
    Nonconforming signs. No permit shall be issued to erect an exterior sign on property containing a nonconforming sign until such time as the nonconforming sign has been removed.
    Removal of signs. When the owner or lessee of a sign vacates the premises upon which the sign is located, said sign must be removed. If the owner or lessee of said sign does not remove the sign, the owner of the building or property shall be held responsible for the removal of the sign.
    Billboards prohibited. Except as provided in § 150-11E, billboards are prohibited.
    [Amended 2-5-2004 by Ord. No. 3-04]
    Exemptions. The flag, pennant or insignia of any nation, state, city or other governmental agency and municipal signs necessary to the public welfare of the Borough do not require a permit in order to be displayed.
    Construction activity.
    [Added 7-14-1993 by Ord. No. 10-93]
    One sign advertising or announcing any construction activity pertinent to the lot shall be permitted in all districts. The sign shall not exceed three feet by three feet and shall list only one business name or one sign not to exceed four feet by four feet, which shall list more than one and up to three names of contractors. The sign shall be professionally or neatly lettered and must be removed when the contractor or subcontractor is finished with the bulk of the work.
    The annual issuance of permits and fee to be paid will be in accordance with § 150-37B.
Amended 11-14-1985