§ 150-29. Off-street parking.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Schedule of requirements.
    Each use shall have sufficient accessory off-street parking spaces. The following are the minimum number of parking spaces required for various uses:
    Minimum Number
    of Required Spaces
    Assembly hall; auditorium
    1 for each 75 square feet of gross floor area or 1 for each 3 seats, whichever is greater
    8 for each teller window
    Bowling alley
    5 for each alley
    Church; house of worship
    1 for each 3 seats or 1 for each 72 inches of seating space when benches rather than seats are used
    20, plus 1 additional for each 200 square feet of gross floor area
    1 for every 2 students
    Community centers
    Same as auditoriums
    Dwellings, single-family detached
    1 for each teacher and employee plus 10%, plus 1 for every 2 pupils in the 12th grade
    Funeral home, mortuary
    25, plus 25 for each room devoted to slumber room, plus 1 for each employee
    1 for each bed, plus 1 for each employee
    Industrial use
    1 for each employee on maximum shift plus 20% or 1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area
    Manufacturing use
    Same as industrial use
    Motel and hotel
    1 for each room, plus 1 for each employee on the maximum shift, plus the number of spaces required by this chapter for all accessory facilities
    Multifamily and special needs housing
    [Added 2-5-2015 by Ord. No. 1-15]
    Per RSIS standards
    Nursing home
    1 for each 2 beds
    Office, general and professional
    1 for each 225 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 for each professional if a professional office
    1 for each 2 seats devoted to service, plus 1 for each employee on the maximum shift
    Research laboratory
    1 for each employee on the maximum shift plus 10% or 1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area
    Retail store; service business
    1 for each 150 square feet of gross floor area
    Shopping center
    6 per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
    Skating rink
    1 for each 120 square feet of rink area
    Service station
    10 minimum or 5 for each bay plus 1 for each employee on the maximum shift
    Storage warehouse
    1 for each employee on the maximum shift plus 20% or 1 for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area devoted to warehousing
    1 for each 3 seats, plus 1 for each employee on the maximum shift
    [Added 10-1-1992 by Ord. No. 10-92]
    2.5 per unit
    [Added 10-1-1992 by Ord. No. 10-92]
    1.5 per unit
    2.0 per unit
    2.0 per unit
    2.25 per unit
    Wholesale store; motor vehicle establishment; furniture store
    1 for each 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 for each employee on the maximum shift
    Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the contrary, no building permit shall be issued for the erection of a new dwelling in the R-1 and R-2 Residence District unless provisions have been made for the construction on the same lot of at least one garage or carport containing at a minimum 400 square feet.
    [Amended 4-13-1989 by Ord. No. 3-89]
    Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Subsection A(3), dealing with trees and shrubs.
    Areas computed as parking spaces. Areas which may be computed as open or enclosed off-street parking spaces include any private garage, carport or other area available for parking other than a street. However, in the residence district, no required parking space shall be located closer to a street line than the minimum depth of front yard required by this chapter nor in any event within 10 feet of a party lot line, provided that in the AH-2 Zone, the minimum distance required from a lot line other than from a street line may be six feet.
    [Amended 2-5-2015 by Ord. No. 1-15]
    Size of spaces. Two hundred square feet, exclusive of drives or aisles giving access thereto, shall be considered the minimum space necessary for the parking of a motor vehicle; provided, however, that parking spaces in the Affordable Housing Districts may be 162 square feet, i.e., nine feet by 18 feet in dimension.
    [Amended 2-5-2015 by Ord. No. 1-15]
    Editor's Note: Original Subsection d, Access, and Subsection e, Drainage and Surfacing, which immediately followed this subsection, were repealed 7-12-1984.
    Combined spaces. Two or more business, commercial or industrial establishments may consolidate, connect, join or share a common parking area, provided that such facilities shall be equal to the sum total required for all participating establishments.
    H-1 and H-1R Districts. In the Highway Commercial and Highway Retail and Commercial Districts, no parking space or access except entrances or exit drives shall be within 10 feet of a street line. Entrance or exit drives connecting the parking area and the street shall be permitted within the ten-foot strip.
    [Amended 7-12-1984]
    IP District. In the Industrial Park District, no parking area shall be permitted in the front yard area. In the rear yard and side yard areas, the parking area shall not be closer than 15 feet to any rear or side lot line, which fifteen-foot space shall be planted with evergreen trees or thick bushes or hedges of such type and spacing as required by the Planning Board.
    Other provisions.
    Any use which consists of a combination of the uses set forth in Subsection A shall have a minimum aggregate number of parking spaces equal to the sum of the minimums required for each component.
    For all buildings or uses not specifically delineated in Subsection A, the Planning Board, in connection with site plan approval, shall determine the minimum number of spaces required, applying as a standard the minimum set forth in Subsection A for the building or use most nearly similar to the proposed building or use.
    In a particular case, if an applicant for site plan approval can demonstrate that strict enforcement of the minimum parking requirements or the minimum parking stall sizes will cause hardship and that such minimums are not reasonably required for the contemplated use, the Planning Board may waive the strict enforcement of such minimums, provided that the parking stall size shall not be less than nine feet by 18 feet.
    If a use is not permitted in a zone by the requirements of this chapter, the fact that parking standards for such use may be prescribed herein shall not be construed as permitting such use, expressly or by implication.
    Editor's Note: Original Subsection 14-6.6, Loading Facilities, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 7-12-1984.
    AH-1, AH-2, AH-3, AH-4 and AH-2A (multifamily portion only) Affordable Housing Districts.
    [Added 10-1-1992 by Ord. No. 10-92; amended 1-25-1993 by Ord. No. 14-92; 7-10-1996 by Ord. No. 18-96]
    There shall be no parking of any vehicle along internal roadways, cartways or driveways, except that individual unit driveways may be used for parking of vehicles.
    Minimum building setbacks from public roadways shall be 50 feet in the AH-1 and 40 feet in the AH-2 and 30 feet in the AH-3 and AH-4 Districts.
    Minimum building setbacks from private main access roadways shall be 25 feet.
    Circulation requirements. Paved roadway (cartway) and driveway widths shall be determined as follows:
    Public: must conform to Borough standards.
    Private [except as provided in § 150-29G(5)(d)]:
    Roadway, one-way: 15 feet.
    Roadway, two-way: 24 feet.
    Common driveway, one-way: 12 feet.
    Common driveway, two-way: 20 feet.
    Individual driveway, one-way (direct unit access): 10 feet.
    Construction of pavement of all public roadways shall conform to the Borough standards for public roads.
    Construction of paving of all driveways shall conform to the Borough standards for paving as contained in the Borough ordinances.
Amended 8-9-1979