Chapter 80. Littering  

§ 80-1. Definitions.
§ 80-2. Litter in public and private places and bodies of water.
§ 80-3. Depositing in streets and gutters; maintenance of sidewalks.
§ 80-4. Burning and disposal on private property.
§ 80-5. Covering of garbage receptacles.
§ 80-6. Litter thrown from vehicles.
§ 80-7. Transportation from outside Borough.
§ 80-8. Advertising materials.
§ 80-9. Violations and penalties.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Upper Saddle River as Section 4-1 of Ch. IV of the Revised General Ordinances, 1971. Amendments noted where applicable


Brush, grass and weeds — See Ch. 36.
Property maintenance — See Ch. 102.
Garbage, rubbish and refuse — See Ch. 183.
Public health nuisances — See Ch. 202.